Thursday, July 17, 2014

Time for a Cool Celebration!

Two years ago today I became a grandma for the first time. And today the BVG's celebrated----but not that. Yesterday was Cool's birthday, and since j couldn't make it to lunch yesterday we delayed the birthday luncheon until today. Then today came, and by 10:30 Elletu realized, with dismay, that she couldn't get away from work because her boss didn't show up. So we were a group of three at Home Made Café at noon. Translating that to BVG demographics, 3/4 of the BVG's were at the Home Made Café at noon today to celebrate Cool's 61st birthday. Speaking of BVG demographics, 3/4 of the BVG's are in their 60's. That means 1/4 of the BVG's remain in their (her) 50's, and what a coincidence, that same 1/4 of the BVG's missed Cool's birthday luncheon. (I do not want to harp on that, because Elletu felt really bad about having to miss the occasion.)

I liked the card I found for Cool. It said something like this:

"You're so cool that if you drank wine with a straw, other people would see you do it and say, 'Oh, I guess that looks cool,' and they would drink their wine with a straw too."

And she is just that cool.

Love you, Sister. Happy birthday! You were my very first friend on Bethel Valley Lane, and you introduced me to j and Elletu. We share a common bond: You were there to witness my Blender Cole Slaw fiasco. That means something. And you mean a whole lot to me.

Thank you for being.........................that COOL!

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