Friday, July 25, 2014

Snow White Falling on Cedar

Note: Read "Legends of My Falls" and "One Flew Over the Basement Stairs" before reading this post.

It's not that my nickname was ever Snow White, but back in the day when I would be delighted by the story of Snow White and could finally read it myself, I had my second memorable fall. Instead of falling forward, as I did off my basement stairs, this time I fell backwards. Fortunately, something broke my fall, and unfortunately, its life was cut short.

I was at a plant nursery with my parents in North Seattle, and as we walked around in the area of potted trees, I somehow slipped and fell. You've heard of 'face planting'? Well, this was more of a 'butt planting,' or rather 'one-half butt planting.' There is no way to put it delicately. One 'cheek' fell directly on a metal pot. Too bad about that little cedar tree that was in that pot. It never had a chance.

As funny as this might sound, it was actually quite painful. The funny part was the resulting round bruise which changed colors for weeks, touching every color of the rainbow. I admit I spent a lot of time looking at my backside in the mirror.

Now that I look back, I wonder if my parents had to pay for that little cedar....which had been in that one-seater.

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