Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Summer Songs From the '60's, Elletu About to Enter Her 60's

The days are dwindling down to a precious few. September is here, and the beginning of fall is right around the corner. After the hottest, driest summer on record here in the Northwest, the end of August brought us, sadly, a deadly wind and rain storm that wasn't really all that much help for the devastating wildfires raging in Eastern Washington. Now, not even a third of the way through September, we've had a mixed bag of cloudy skies, light showers, sunbreaks and cooler temperatures. But I hear it's about to warm up again, maybe up to 80 by the end of this week. So here comes the sun again, and I will welcome that. But as always, I will also welcome fall, because that is my favorite season.

Elletu is about to enter a new 'season' of her life. The most important thing coming up this week is the momentous 60th birthday for our dear Elletu, the 'baby' of the BVGs. In fact, this is her last day in her 50's. I wonder what she'll be doing to get "Lost in The Fifties Tonight." At least we know "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" when all who love her will be wishing her a very happy birthday.

Always remember, Elletu, SIXTY IS THE NEW FIFTY-NINE!

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