Monday, October 6, 2014

More BVG Star Connections: j's Story


Thank you, j, for this contribution as we continue to explore the BVG star connections. It's fun to know we each have Stan Boreson stories. I'm anxious to know if that Bainbridge Island actor you met is Chris Soldevilla because I know all about him. While I had not ever heard of Lanny Rees, I was fascinated by his story (article to follow your contribution---thanks for sharing), and here he is a relative of yours! Cool! I mean, Neat! Neat compares with cool, not Cool, although our Cool is neat, but I digress, and besides, I think you know what I mean.

So here they are, j's star connections, including being a shirt-tail relative to actor Lanny Rees (pictured at left, when he was a child actor). This is her story...his story follows:

Just checking in after reading the blog. One claim to fame is having a picture taken with Stan Boreson at a fall festival in our small town of Everson.
On a family vacation in California, we went to a small Episcopal Church and in walked Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and their children.
I was six years old, and looking for movie stars. I thought I had found Betty Crocker on a billboard but it was really a politician!! Ha!
I met Governor Albert Rosellini at my Dad's tavern.
I met a retired BI actor who came for Jury duty but I don't remember his name.(not helpful)
I was back fence neighbors to the Mom who went off to war. I prayed for them faithfully. I remember how that broke my heart.
I know Jan Angel. I know Dave Peterson. I know, I'm getting desperate to find notable people. I just did not run in circles where famous people popped out.

But I am a shirt-tail relative to Lanny Rees, a golden age child actor who is married to my sister-in-law's sister, Natalie. Lanny played Junior in The Life of Riley among other parts in movies. Junior was probably his biggest role. He had a part with Roy and Dale also.

Thank you, j, for reminding all four of us that we have the ultimate 'Star Connection' in our relationship with Jesus Christ!


I am including this article about Lanny Rees (misspelled in title below) on the blog because it is so interesting. Personally, I think it should be amended to read:
     "Lanny Rees is a shirt-tail relative to j of the famed Bethel Valley Girls."
I can dream, can't I?

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