Wednesday, October 1, 2014

BVGOOs: It's Another Girl!

We already knew Elletu's son and his wife are going to welcome another daughter in a few months. Today I received the exciting news that my son and his wife are also going to have a baby girl, their first daughter, and they are ecstatic. Their two-year-old son is staying with us for a few days, and when they called with the good news today I put him on the phone so they could tell him he is going to have a little sister. He smiled, said "Oh," and walked away to get back to playing with the fun toys strewn across my family room floor. I'm on Cloud 9, not necessarily for me because we have two grandsons and a granddaughter. Boy or girl, whatever, we would be thrilled. But I am especially happy for my daughter-in-law who so wanted to have a daughter. She is a fabulous wife and mother and a very special person. I could not love her more if I had given birth to her myself. She is a fun sister for my daughter who only had brothers, and how awesome is it that her due date for her baby girl is just one year and one day past the birth date of my daughter's baby girl? They previously had boys three months apart, and being pregnant at the same time solidified their bond. I love the fact that my daughter-in-law's identical twin sister also had a girl and a boy. What a blessing this news is today.

So what is the tally of BVGOOs now?

12 girls
 7  boys

19 BVGOOs!!!!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow...
And I'm pretty sure we have more BVGOOs to go!

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