Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BVGOO's Get Together Too!

These three beautiful children are some of the Bethel Valley Girl Offsprings' Offspring, of which there are 17 and two more on the way. I do hope they are proud of their heritage. They will never know the Piggy Park the way their parents did, but they had fun in my backyard a week ago.

Cool and her husband picked up their granddaughter in Arizona on the way to their family reunion in New Mexico a month or two ago, and j's oldest grandson was here from Texas for a week with his grandparents recently. Will we ever be able to get all 17 (soon to be 19) together for a big family picture? Probably not, but if we could, for sure we would gather at the Piggy Park, piggies or not. Clayton Playground, that's what it's called.

We'll never show up on Ancestry.com, so I think it is going to be up to me to print out the Bethel Valley Girl Family Tree. New project, coming right up.
This picture looks like it might have been taken at a BVGOO Spa Day! You know what we always say----"Train your BVGOO's in the way they should go......." and of course that means learning to deal with cucumbers over their eyes. Sure, when they're young they don't mind having their faces shown on their old grandmothers' blog, But what if this blog suddenly went bacterial? Okay, fine, I mean viral? Then they might start valuing their privacy.

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