Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Different Kind of Spa Day: Elletu's Story

Observe the beautiful nature scene on the monitor in the picture above, then imagine the peace-inducing music accompanying this tranquil scene. For Elletu, this was her reality on a recent Spa Day quite unlike a BVG Spa Day. It was on Thursday, August 7, and I think I will call this Harrison Spa (aka Harrison Hospital in Silverdale). I was along for the ride. Actually, I was her ride. Actually, at the Harrison Spa they thought I might be her, um, 'partner,' or 'Significant Other.' Of course I am a significant other person in her life. After all, I'm a BVG!

We chuckle, but it is a sign of the times. Last time I signed in as her 'family' when she had a similar medical procedure done, they accepted I was her sister or her friend. This time, they had to ask, "Is she your partner? Your Significant Other?" That was a first, and we'll never forget it. Thank goodness Elletu held back her humor the rest of that day and didn't call me "Sweetie" or "Dear" whenever the nurses were around, especially when the nurse asked if she wanted me to come in the bathroom with her. We are close, but not that close.

Well, it's sad but true, the doctor was afraid Elletu might have cancer. There, I said it: Cancer. We were all concerned. We prayed, We prayed again. And again and again and again. For me, her SD (Significant Driver), I had another role besides picking her up at 5 A.M. to make it to the 'spa' by 5:45 A.M. My job was to keep her relaxed as long as I possibly could. For me, the obvious solution was to make her think we were on our way to a spa. Harrison Spa. It has a nice ring to it.

Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't have to put on one of those 'spa gowns' because they don't go all the way around the back. I'm such a good friend, I didn't peek when she had to change her clothes and then get in bed. When they started asking her such personal questions, I just put my hands over my ears and sang out loud, "La di da di, TMI, TMI, la di da da, TMI, TMI."

When I sensed she was getting nervous, I would ask her what spa treatments she was going to sign up for. We both opted for the hot rocks treatment. It was a no brainer that we wanted massages. I suggested she get her toenails painted. I recommended bright red for a nice change.

She asked for a cocktail, they gave her an IV. (Some of you will be asking, "Why did they give her a 4?" I like your sense of humor.) I had to leave her and go to the waiting room. It was a spa, right? They had hot coffee waiting for me. The chairs were comfy. They could have provided better magazines to read. I used my phone to text friends that Elletu was 'under the knife.' I asked for prayers. I prayed. She just had to be cancer free!

I was just drifting off---after having only two or three hours of sleep the night before---when her doctor came looking for me post-surgery. "She came through well," she said, "and everything looks good. I took some polyps, didn't get some others, but I'm confident there is no cancer," (What she supposed that day was later confirmed by a biopsy.)

And here she is, post-surgery-----I mean, post-spa-procedure. Lacking cucumber slices, she improvised.

We are thankful again for answered prayers, for the sparing of our dear Sister. In my own sphere, my sister-in-law recently passed away from stomach cancer, and my stepsister is undergoing chemotherapy for brain cancer.

Thank You, dear God, for giving Elletu a different outcome.

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