Saturday, January 28, 2017

May 1: Greek Easter, Our 40th Anniversary and a BVGO Reunion All Rolled Into One!

Much has happened since this photo was taken on May 1, 2016. I was hospitalized with double pneumonia and a severe asthma attack and have been slowly recovering during the past five weeks. The passage of time and all the medications pumped into my body have not dulled my recollection of the fun celebrations that preceded this untimely turn of events.

So, about this photo. It was taken at my daughter's house in San Mateo, CA, where my husband and I had gone to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. Cool and her husband joined us in San Mateo, not only to celebrate our milestone anniversary but also to experience Greek Easter at our daughter and Greek son-in-law's house. Our two sons came from Seattle and North Carolina, and our Seattle daughter-in-law and their two children came was well. Our family actually had a week-long family reunion at our daughter's house. Cool's son lives in Sacramento, and he and his girlfriend drove down for Greek Easter as well, making possible another BVGO reunion. And that is what this photo depicts, my three grown children with Cool's oldest son (the tall one) after decades apart.

Time flies while life is happening.

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