Thursday, February 4, 2016

Our j is a Volunteer Stripper!

This text just arrived on my phone from j:

"I am a volunteer stripper now."

For a minute there I thought perhaps she meant to say she is a volunteer 'striper,' as in a Candy Striper at a hospital. To think of something other than that was too wild, too unbelievable, too un-j-like. Or was it? I vaguely remember a story she told us some time ago, something about her being up on her laundry equipment when her hubby came home from work. The memory must be vague because I tried to block it from my mind before I got an image stuck in it.

Anyway, above the above picture, to my relief, j's text continued, "That is, I am cutting and sewing strips for a quilt at church." And below the above picture (does that make sense?) she captioned, "My first strips."

I'll say this for j: She sure is a colorful stripper!

And I should add, good for you, j! I know these quilts bring great comfort (hence, 'Comfort Quilts') to those who receive them.

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