Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Looking Back at Another BVGO Reunion - December 27, 2016

It wasn't planned, and sometimes those are the best reunions. Two days after Christmas--and three days after another reunion of Bethel Valley Girl Offspring--we ran in to j's family at one of our family's favorite Port Orchard haunts back in the '90's, Spiro's. My husband and I had just finished dinner with our son and his girlfriend, who were visiting from North Carolina, when I heard a familiar voice and looked up to see j, her husband, and lo and behold, their two daughters who were visiting from Eastern Washington and Texas. What a joy to see j's daughters together, first time for them in five years, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a blog-worthy picture of them with my son who didn't even remember them from his childhood. And there they are, together---yay! Just days before, j's daughters had been with Cool's oldest son. Sorry to say, no picture to prove it happened, but like distant cousins, we BVG's sincerely hope our grown children will somehow stay connected and will be proud of their BVG heritage. That makes these reunions worth much to us.

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