Thursday, June 18, 2015

Out in Public with j

Last Saturday j and her husband had a garage sale which was successful for them financially. They invited me to bring any items over I wanted to sell, since they were borrowing some tables from me. When all was said and done, I made $11! With all their hard work behind them, j asked if we wanted to meet for dinner later. We had a delightful meal at the Clubhouse at McCormick Woods, and j treated us to a bottle of Pinot Grigio. I don't know what the cork is doing in her mouth in this picture, but I can explain the makeshift bib. It took three large linen napkins to protect j's clothes from her dinner. Does she have no shame? Personally, I wasn't ashamed to be with her. It was Happy Hour all evening! Great time out with j and mr. j.

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