Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Good Morning Bali!

Jetlag is a bummer. I had a hard time waking up this morning.

Elletu was up before I was and snapped this photo of our private pool--or I should say pools--in our villa here in Bali. The one in the foreground is just for soaking. Wayan delivered our breakfast to us this morning in the cabana on the left. Loved watching him squeeze the oranges for our fresh juice. We appreciate the luxury of open-air dining. I read online that it is cold and rainy back in Port Orchard today, and while it will be 67 and sunny there tomorrow, people won't be eating breakfast outside. We are looking at daytime temperatures being in the high 80's here the whole time we are in Bali. That's more like it.

This morning we are heading for Finn's Beach Club for our morning beach swim. I'm anxious to do some shopping, but Elletu's right, we need an afternoon at the spa to get fully relaxed and pampered for our evening out. Over breakfast we filled out our appointment form for the spa. We're both going for everything, in this order: Massage, body wrap, facial, foot massage, pedicure, hand massage, manicure, and then what they refer to as the 'massage to end all massages.' After that last massage, which is done in a private outdoor alcove looking out on the ocean, we will be allowed to drift off to sleep for 45-minute afternoon naps! When we wake up refreshed we will go to the salon for our hair appointments and to get our make-up applied, and then it's back to the villa to get dressed in time to be picked up by the limo for our night out on the town.

I suspect all of this will take care of my jetlag quite nicely.

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