Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Senior iscount Day

Today was Senior Discount Day at the Port Orchard Goodwill, and since j was in town for her hair appointment she agreed to take me along for a 50% BVG field trip. For the record, although Senior Discount Day is every Wednesday, I only go occasionally and I'm not a big spender. But every time I seem to find little treasures, and today was no exception.

Books and chips, that's what j bought. 'Bathtub novels' she called them. The books, not the chips. She gave me some lame excuse to buy junk food (her words, not mine) for the ride home, because, she said, "I haven't eaten anything since 10 A.M."

I found a few children's books to have on hand for when my grandchildren visit, some BBQ tongs for my husband for his new grill, a framed picture to give to a friend, and then my special treasure, a Rival Bread 'n Cake Pan for my vintage (1970) Crock Pot. Rival stopped making these a few decades ago, and this is the only way to make banana bread and Boston brown bread. I already have one, but I picked up an extra vintage Crock Pot at an estate sale a few years ago. Now I can make two loaves at once. They steam in the Crock Pot for 3-4 hours. I had to make three loaves in one day last week, and that's what it took, and entire long day. Such a deal for $4.50 with my 20% senior discount. At times like that, it pays to be old.

On our way out I pulled out my phone to capture the memory of this field trip for the blog. Look how smart j was to cover her face with her bag of chips, since the Goodwill carries no cucumbers. Look how dumb I was to not have j move over just a little bit to her right.

Senior iscount Day......always fun with j!

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