Sunday, April 6, 2014

My First Selfie!

This is the selfie our drinks took at Elletu's granddaughter's baby shower two weeks ago. I was seated at a table with Cool, Elletu and three of her other friends. I was a little self-conscious admitting that I didn't know how to take a selfie, but Cool was kind and encouraged me. I took one of us together, and it turned out great. Of course we don't show our faces on this blog unless we have cucumbers over our eyes, and since there were no cucumbers around at this baby shower, my selfie can't be posted. But then our drinks said, "We want to do it! We want to do it! We want to do it!" (There were, after all, three of them.) So I gave them my phone, and with very little instruction they did it. I thought they did a good job centering themselves.

So perhaps you caught in my first sentence that Elletu's granddaughter is having a baby, very soon in fact. That's right, Elletu is going to be a great-grandmother!!!!!! She's always been a great grandmother, but now she is going to be a great great-grandmother!.

The Bethel Valley Girl Offspring continue to grow!

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