Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cool HANDbells

Cool does this really cool thing. Since 1996 she has been a part of a handbell choir through her church. We all went to hear them at her church's Christmas concert, and then this past Sunday they presented their annual handbell performance, Berries and Bells...or is it Bells and Berries? Does it matter? It was awesome! I wanted to include a photo of Cool performing, but this was the best I could do. The Berries in the title refers to the strawberry shortcake served after the concert. This was a sweet and delightful treat, but the music was the real treat. Their level of expertise far surpasses any bell choir I have ever heard before, and I admire Cool for her talent and her devotion to this outstanding group. It was a blessing to be part of the audience.

And by the way, whether you are ringing those bells or caressing a cucumber, your HANDS look beautiful!

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