Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This is where it all began. Three mothers of young children got to know each other while living on this cul-de-sac of duplexes. As their children played together, these moms discovered their shared faith as well as a somewhat humorous outlook on life. At least that's how I imagine it now. It was over 31 years ago, and I didn't live there. I just know that when I met them at that picnic birthday party, I discovered my shared faith with the three of them, and we laughed a lot that day because they are so fun and funny. I don't know when I first drove in to Bethel Valley Lane, but I know it was the start of something quite awesome. When I took a nostalgic drive through there recently, I noticed the playground is still there and is in good shape. I wondered about the kids who play there now, and I wondered about their moms. I wonder...............31 years from now, in 2043 will they be grandmas, and will they still be getting together at least once a month to celebrate enduring friendships? As for us Bethel Valley Girls, where will we be in 2043? Remember that shared faith? Well, thank God, we'll either be in heaven or will be pretty close to it. Together forever, that us!

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