Friday, April 13, 2012

To continue from the last post...After the birthday party at the lake, I invited my three new friends--later to be called the Bethel Valley Girls--to the church I was attending. I wonder if they remember that--I can hear one of them saying, "Oh no, I went there first!" And then another would say, "Oh no you didn't, I did!" But they would be wrong. They quickly settled in to MY church, adding seven more children to the Sunday school rolls and nursery. In time we were all instrumental in establishing a mother's group and also a babysitting co-op at the church. It was during this period of time that I found myself pregnant for the third time, and I wasn't exactly happy about it. Not only was it a surprise, but I developed severe asthma that was difficult to control, and after trying five different medications that were deemed safe for my baby, I had to resort to something that made me get sick all of the time. I will spare the details. After all, that was 29 years ago---let bygones be bygones, right? On top of this, my husband was gone on travel for his job for 12 weeks, my mom had just passed away, my father was out of the country, and I had a five-year-old and three-year-old to care for while I could not breathe (I had to sit up all night in order to get any sleep at all) and got sick all the time (let me just say that vomiting in the sink while I'm fixing breakfast for my young children is not a fun option, okay?). So the Bethel Valley Girls came to my rescue. No, they didn't take my children to live with them on Bethel Valley Lane, they didn't clothe and feed them, and they didn't clean my house (why not?). Instead, they gave me an "Attitude Adjustment Shower," as opposed to a run-of-the mill baby shower. And where was this party held? Bethel Valley Lane, of course! Only older people will understand the significance when I say that for the centerpiece they had a plush rabbit on its back with some daffodils held between its paws. (Do rabbits have paws? Now I am doubting myself about that.) Hanging from the chandelier above were a few brochures on birth control methods. They were stuffed in a............oh, wait a minute, children might read this blog. Never mind, it doesn't matter, and it was too late anyway. The three of them gave me some wonderful gifts, such as a box of saltines and a book called Love Life. I always wondered if they thought I had a little too much love life, hence the third child, or if I needed to learn why I was experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Anyway, the book was good, I still have it (and my husband of 36 years), and I never had any more children after that third one. Draw your own conclusions. The party was really a lot of fun, rampant nausea notwithstanding. The reason I bring this all up at this time is that the other day I was going through some old files, and I came across a hand-made card with the cutest drawing of a very pregnant lady on the front. The caption at the top is, "Happy Labor Day," and at the bottom, "We're pregnant with anticipation~awaiting the coming celebration!" There are six pertinent phrases written around the pregnant lady, things like, "It's what's up front that counts!" And inside, a precious poem. At the bottom is written, "Love, the gang," and then the three names of the Bethel Valley Girls. When I looked at this, kid you not, tears welled up in my eyes. Just the day before those three friends of 29 years ago had spent seven hours at my house as the four of us enjoyed our long-anticipated "Spa Day," complete with massage therapists and sliced cucumbers for our eyelids. Twenty-nine years, and we're still "the gang." How awesome is that? How blessed are we? That's why we say we are a Sisterhood. I'll write about Spa Day later, but here's how they ended the card, with two Bible references:
"Remember Ephesians 5:22 & Genesis 3:16"
                          Look them up!
So about that 'surprise child' of three and a half months he and his wife will make me a grandma for the first time. Thank You, God! And thank you, Bethel Valley Girls, for helping me through a tough season in life. You kept me laughing when I could have been crying, and you know, we're still doing that for each other today. I said it on Spa Day: "I love us!" Thanks for everything, Sisters. Cheers!

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